Saturday, June 26, 2010

If I was on Twitter, this post wouldn't exist

Just to let you know -- I have a feeling that the next time I get drunk, I'm gonna try to make out with you.

You've been warned.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oooh, watch out for sunburn

So, I don't know what this says about me, but apparently I have become your official source of news when it comes to events promising randomly harmless nekkidity. Thanks to NOW Magazine's calendar of upcoming events, I am possessed of the knowledge that Saturday June 12th is World Naked Bike Ride Day, and now, you know it too. I felt compelled to check their website, and I think my favourite part is when they say, "the Crown has acknowledged that participating in an orderly event naked is not illegal, so long as you are wearing something, such as shoes."  Seriously? Shoes are the limiting factor in how naked you are? Man, was I playing doctor wrong. It reminds me of years ago, when I was trying to figure out exactly what kind of documentation you needed to cross the border into the states, and I discovered that it was forbidden to transport a switchblade knife internationally, unless of course you only had one arm, in which case you were good to go.

I'm out of town for the next couple of days, and it's entirely likely I won't be back in the city on Saturday at all -- but if anybody was to make plans that just happened to involve being, oh, say, on a patio on Queen Street or a table in Dundas Square early Saturday afternoon, keep me posted. Of all the spectacles I should see before I die, 100 or so naked people on bikes is probably on the list.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good things come to those who... mystify?

So, I realize it took a fairly long time for this little nugget to penetrate my consciousness -- but it just dawned on me that within a week or two, no matter what happens, either Ron Artest or Nate Robinson will be a bona fide NBA Champion.

Somewhere, Ricky Davis is reminding everyone who will listen, "I used to be a Celtic too, you know."